Climate Change – 42894 / 42945 – CHEM 1028 – 01/02

Professor: Oscar Zimerman

This course will focus on climate change and its impact on society. Is the global climate changing? How do we know if the climate is changing? Are we to blame? We will explore the science of climate investigating the causes of change from the greenhouse effect to future climates and consider which changes are natural, and which are anthropogenic. For example, fossil fuels provide most of our energy and their extraction creates an environmental impact, particularly during combustion. There is solid evidence that Earth’s climate is changing and computer models in conjunction with other techniques are used to project the future climate. We will delve into the challenge of climate change in a series of presentations and debates, mostly setting aside the complicated mathematical calculations related to the subject.

  • Categories:
    2020 Fall Climate Change, 2020 Spring Semester, 2021 Fall Semester, 2022 Fall Semester, 2022 Spring Semester, 2023 Fall Semester, 2023 Spring Semester, 2024 Spring Semester, Chemistry, Climate Change Pathway, Climate Change Spring 2020, Course Archive
  • Spring
    Module A and B

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