Core Pathways Podcast

Welcome to the Core Pathways Podcast page. Below we have a series of different podcasts that have been started through the Core Pathways Initiative. All of our podcasts talk about climate change, environment, and sustainability from a variety of different perspectives. You can find out more about each below.

Pathways for People and Planet

The “Pathways for People and Planet” podcast series strives to highlight the environmental perspectives, experiences, and knowledge of traditionally marginalized groups of people in the context of the climate crisis. Through conversing with professors and professionals throughout the DC area, we hope to broaden the meaning of environmental restoration and justice for all in our listening community. The ideas discussed in these conversations can then serve as the basis for meaningful and compassionate work that betters the environment for both people and the planet.

Three Professors

Three Professors Walk Into a Bar is a podcast series intended to facilitate meaningful conversation around complex global issues. Each week, professors will explore different topics, challenges, and consequences of the global issue and attempt to grapple with some of the complexity. Take a look at our home page to catch up on everything our professors have to say!

Find Our Episodes Here!

Fellows and Friends

‘Fellows and Friends’ is an environmentally focused podcast that discusses news, articles and studies relevant to climate change and improving the environment.
