Chomsky: COVID-19 has Exposed the US Under Trump as a “Failed State”

Author: Henry Silver

Current Core Pathway Course: Disability, Ethics, EcoJustice (THEO)

Context: The article was published on Truthout’s website on April 29, 2020. Truthout is based in Sacramento, California.

Tags: Crisis Perception and Response, Species Extinction and Apocalypse, Science and Public Perception, Networked/Globalized World, Community and Collaboration, Justice (eg. Differential Impacts; Lived Experiences)

In this Truthout interview conducted by C.J. Polychroniou, world-renowned linguist and political dissident Noam Chomsky, still very much in command of his towering intelligence and encyclopedic memory at the age of 91, shares his observations about and insights into the COVID-19 epidemic, climate change, and the dire threat of global nuclear annihilation.
  • Categories:
    Article, Community and Collaboration, Crisis Perception and Response, Interview, Justice (eg. Differential Impacts; Lived Experiences), Networked/globalized world, Science and Public Perception, Species Extinction and Apocalypse

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