COVID-19 and the Doomsday Clock: Observations on Managing Global Risk

Author: Henry Silver

Current Core Pathway Course: Disability, Ethics, EcoJustice (THEO)

Context: The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists is based in Chicago, Illinois. The article was published on April 15, 2020.

Tags: Crisis Perception and Response, Justice (eg. Differential Impacts; Lived Experiences), Science and Public Perception

This article sets forth the position of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists on the COVID-19 epidemic and its relation to the bulletin’s recent decision to turn its famed Doomsday Clock to 100 seconds to midnight, its closest brush with midnight since the clock’s inauguration in 1947. Midnight, suffice it to observe, augurs terminal disaster for humankind.
  • Categories:
    Article, Crisis Perception and Response, Justice (eg. Differential Impacts; Lived Experiences), Science and Public Perception

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