Nuclear Future

Author: Shreyas Muthyala

Caption: This exhibit is a written piece of work to truly help explain the inner workings of nuclear reactors and all of the nuances there are to nuclear power. Compared to all the other types of mediums, this essay was chosen to truly help explain all the nuances and unique features there is to the complicated nature of nuclear energy. Also I think there is a large stigma against nuclear power because of its danger. The aim of the exhibit will also show the differences between nuclear fusion and fission and show how much safer fusion is compared to fission. A written representation of the energy created can help the audience understand the implication and importance of nuclear energy. I want to create this exhibit because I truly believe that nuclear energy is the future of the world and only through an exploration of this can we truly help stop climate change. Having an exhibit would bring in more publicity and essentially funding for nuclear energy which will all help contribute to the overall use of nuclear energy. In my opinion nuclear energy will save the world and it’s amazing how much energy it generates cleanly.

Tags: What about nuclear?


So what is nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is when two nuclei merge in order to form a much heavier nucleus. Essentially this process releases a lot of energy. This occurs since the mass of the original two nuclei are more than the total mass of the singular nucleus. Essentially the leftover mass is what turns into energy. Einstein’s equation E = mc^2 helps show how mass helps create this energy. Nuclear fusion takes place in another state of matter called plasma. Nuclei need to collide at really high temperatures. The temperature needs to be high enough to overcome the natural electrical repulsion of nuclei. Once the nuclei become close enough their attractive nuclear forces take over and help them fuse. This can only occur at really high temperatures or if the pressure is very high. Stars are essentially powered by nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion can combat climate change. Nuclear fusion energy can be converted into engines. Two of the most prevailing methods this can happen is through heat engines and direct conversions. In heat engines, kinetic energy from the fusion converts to heat when it hits the wall of the reactor first. Second, the heat is turned into mechanical energy. Finally the mechanical energy is converted into electricity through generators. Direct conversion is much newer. This happens by converting fast moving particles directly into electricity. However, this is very theoretical and new at the moment. Nuclear fusion also creates an immense amount of clean energy with no carbon emissions. There is a lot of positive potential with nuclear energy. Currently nuclear energy only accounts for 10% of the world’s electricity. It is expected to rise to 630 GW in 2035 from 393 GW in 2009. There are also 30 countries currently who are exploring nuclear power and 28 more want to join to. There was also the largest reactor in the world that had tests in June 2021. There is also no risk of meltdowns like Chernobyl for nuclear fusion. Some of the risks are mostly associated with funding as it is very difficult to efficiently use nuclear energy. However, I believe that we should increase funding so we can help save the world from climate change.

  • Categories:
    2022 Spring Semester, Core Pathways Gallery

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